The accreditation process for the events of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition has begun!

We are very pleased to inform you that the accreditation process for the events of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition has begun. Those events are: the Grand Opening, Round I, Round II, Round III, the award ceremonies, and two gala concerts.
Dear colleagues,
Please submit your applications with this information:
1) full name, passport information, the name of the media organization, and contact details
2) which events you plan to attend. Those events are:
Moscow | Saint Petersburg
Grand Opening—Moscow, Great Hall of the Conservatory, 15 June, 7pm
Round I
o Piano—Moscow, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 16-20 June
o Violin—Moscow, Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 17-20 June
o Cello—Saint Petersburg, Small Hall of the Shostakovich Philharmonic, 17-20 June
o Voice—Saint Petersburg, Mariinsky II, Mussorgsky Hall, 23-25 June
Round II
o Piano—Moscow, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 21-22 June (first stage), 24-25 June (second stage)
o Violin—Moscow, Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 21-22 June (first stage), 24-25 June (second stage)
o Cello—Saint Petersburg, Small Hall of the Shostakovich Philharmonic, 21-22 June (first stage), 24-25 June (second stage)
o Voice—Saint Petersburg, Mariinsky II, Mussorgsky Hall, 27-28 June
Round III
o Piano—Moscow, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 28-30 June
o Violin—Moscow, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, 28-30 June
o Cello—Saint Petersburg, Grand Hall of the Shostakovich Philharmonic, 28-30 June
o Voice—Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall, 30 June
Award ceremonies—Moscow, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, 1 July, 3pm
First Gala Concert—Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 2 July, 7pm
Second Gala Concert—Saint Petersburg, Mariinsky II, 3 July, 7pm
Full details and schedules are available at:
We request that video crews provide a complete list of the equipment they will bring.
Please note that NO PHOTOGRAPHERS will receive accreditation for the Competition events. To assist you in your coverage, photos of all the rounds (and of each discipline) and of all the other events in the Competition will be available online and updated daily (the photo collection will be posted on the Competition’s official site at the “PRESS OFFICE” link and will also be available at the press centres.
Requests for accreditation must be submitted by 29 May.
Your will receive written confirmation of your accreditation after the deadline for submission, but no later than 3 June.
Best regards,
Anna Kasatkina
Press Attaché
XV International Tchaikovsky Competition
+7 905 796 85 94