"To become a laureate is always a great element of luck in it, but, without hard work, nothing will work out for sure"

Dmitry Masleev, pianist, winner of the 1st prize of the International Tchaikovsky Competition (2015) and the 3rd prize of the Russian Music Competition (2014)
I knew about the Russian Music Competition for a long time and even planned to participate in 2010, but the circumstances were different, and I took part four years later. To become a laureate there is always a big element of luck, but, without hard work nothing will work. In the year of the music competition, there is also a Tchaikovsky competition, in the same specialties, and the programs are similar. Then I decided to apply for both competitions.
I always thank my teachers from the music school of my native city of Ulan-Ude: Chernykh Olga and Stepanova Elena. From the Novosibirsk - Berman Irina.
Of course, the professor of the Moscow Conservatory- Mikhail Petukhov.
The creative path is a difficult way, it has a place for both joys and disappointments. But there will always be good music with us, and that helps. I was lucky to be able to do what I love - to sit at the instrument at home and on stage. To perform on stage is a great happiness!
What can I say to the competitions and organizer «ROSCONCERT»?
Of course, great luck and great competitions! Thank you for your great contribution to our common cause!