The deadline for accepting applications for the XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition has been extended

The XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition extends the application period until April 16th, 2023.
The XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition extends the application period until April 16th, 2023. Contestants are invited to compete in the following disciplines: "piano", "violin", "cello", "solo singing", "wooden wind instruments" and "copper wind instruments". Entry fees for the contest have been cancelled.
All contestants must be at least 16 years of age and until and including 32 years of age at the opening of the Competition (June 19th, 2023) to apply in the following disciplines: "piano", "violin", "cello", "solo singing", "wooden wind instruments" and "copper wind instruments".
According to the results of the qualifying round, which is held via video applications, no more than 25 pianists, 25 violinists, and 25 cello players, 60 vocalists (30 men and 30 women), and 96 woodwind doublers (48 woodwind instruments and 48 copper wind instruments) will be allowed to participate in the First Tour.
You can send your application (until April 16th), and get acquainted with the program of competitive tours and the conditions of participation on the official website –
The XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition will take place through June 19th till July 1st, 2023, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. As before, the competition will be held in two cities: Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.
The competition’s venues in Moscow will be the Great and Small Halls of the Moscow State Conservatory and the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. A gala concert of the laureates is planned at the Zaryadye Moscow Concert Hall. In St. Petersburg, the Competition will be held at the venues of the Mariinsky Theatre, the Saint-Petersburg Academic Philharmonia, as well as the Saint-Petersburg State Academic Capella. The final prize-winner concert will take place at the Mariinsky II.