Online Exibition
- Introduction
- I конкурс — 1958
- II конкурс — 1962
- III конкурс — 1966
- IV конкурс — 1970
- V конкурс — 1974
- VI конкурс — 1978
- VII конкурс — 1982
- VIII конкурс — 1986
- IX конкурс — 1990
- X конкурс — 1994
- XI конкурс — 1998
- XII конкурс — 2002
- XIII конкурс — 2007
- XIV конкурс — 2011
- XV конкурс — 2015
- XVI конкурс — 2019
The exhibition is brought to you by
Vаn Cliburn (USA) – the 1st prize winner of the Piano Competition
Solemn opening of the 1st International Tchaikovsky Competition
Moscow Conservatory Grand Hall. March 18, 1958
Elisabeth, Queen of Belgium, Special guest of the Competition, during audition of the participants
Prize winners of the Violin Competition:
Viktor Pikaizen, Joyce Flissler, Valery Klimov, Stefan Rukha, Мark Lubotsky, Zarius Shikhmurzaeva, Viktor Liberman, Valentin Zhuk
Prize winners of the Violin Competition:
Stefan Rukha (Romania, 3rd prize), Valery Klimov (USSR, 1st prize), Viktor Pikaizen (USSR, 2nd prize)
The International Tchaikovsky Competition is an outstanding and joyful event not only within our country, our art, but also of the entire world musical culture. With all our heart we welcome this international meeting of musicians, which will further strengthen friendly cultural relations between nations and will be a new serious step in the development of world musical culture.

1st Prize
Van Cliburn (USA)
2nd Prize
Lev Vlasenko (USSR)
Liu Shi Kun (Cina)
3rd Prize
Naum Shtarkman (USSR)
4th Prize
Эдуард Миансаров (СССР)
5th Prize
Милена Моллова (Болгария)
6th Prize
Надя Гедда-Нова (Франция)
7th Prize
Тойоака Мацуура (Япония)
8th Prize
Дэниэл Поллак (США)
1st Prize
Valery Klimov (USSR)
2nd Prize
Viktor Pikaizen (USSR)
3rd Prize
Stefan Rukha (Romania)
4th Prize
Марк Лубоцкий (СССР)
5th Prize
Виктор Либерман (СССР)
6th Prize
Валентин Жук (СССР)
7th Prize
Джойс Флисслер (США)
8th Prize
Зариус Шихмурзаева (СССР)
Emil Gilels (Chairman)
Дмитрий Кабалевский
Heinrich Neuhaus
Лев Оборин
Святослав Рихтер
Pavel Serebryakov
Boris Lyatoshinsky (USSR)
Sir Arthur Bliss (Great Britain)
Pancho Vladigerov (Bulgaria)
Camargo Guarnieri (Brazil)
George Georgescu (Romania)
Fernand Quinet (Belgium)
José Sequeira-Costa (Portugal)
Frantisek Maxian (Czechoslovakia)
Lajos Hernadi (Hungary)
Carlo Cecchi (Italy)
Henryk Sztompka (Poland)
Marguerite Long (France)
Joseph Marx (Austria)
David Oistrakh (Chairman)
Galina Barinova
Eugene Kapp
Leonid Kogan
Konstantin Mostras
Aram Khachaturian
Dmitry Tsyganov (USSR)
Grajina Bacevich (Poland)
Gioconda de Vito (Italy)
G Luecke (GDR)
Ma Xi Tsun (China)
Philip Newman (Great Britain)
Alexander Plocek (Czechoslovakia)
S Popov (Bulgaria)
Alfred Pochon (Switzerland)
Tauno Hanni-Kainen (Finland)
Ephraim Zimbalist (USA)
Alain Jourdan-Morange (France)
- Introduction
- I конкурс — 1958
- II конкурс — 1962
- III конкурс — 1966
- IV конкурс — 1970
- V конкурс — 1974
- VI конкурс — 1978
- VII конкурс — 1982
- VIII конкурс — 1986
- IX конкурс — 1990
- X конкурс — 1994
- XI конкурс — 1998
- XII конкурс — 2002
- XIII конкурс — 2007
- XIV конкурс — 2011
- XV конкурс — 2015
- XVI конкурс — 2019